International student camp Terra

In the space of the Terra studio, in the period from May 8 to 18, the international sculptural and e...

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International Masterclass Terra

“International masterclass Tera 2023”, held on May 11 in the Terra studio, consisted of ...

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“Exhibition from the closet”, exhibition by Darija Žmak Kunić

On Wednesday, May 10, an exhibition of Rijeka artist and assistant professor of the Academy of Appli...

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Odluka o licu zaduženom za zaštitu podataka o ličnosti


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Selected participants of the 42nd International Symposium Terra 2023

Kikinda, February 24th 2023. The Artistic Council of the Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra, con...

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Izlagački termini samostalnih i grupnih izložbi u Galeriji Terra i Salonu Muzeja Terra u 2023

Kikinda, 31. januar 2023. godine . Centar za likovnu i primenjenu umetnost Terra odredio je izlagač...

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Competition results / selected artists for exhibition in 2023

Kikinda, December 23, 2022   The artistic council of the Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra...

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“Adaptation of the TERRA museum complex in Kikinda” – presentation of the master thesis by Petar Mitrović

U okviru platforme Daibau International koja spaja izvođače radova sa investitorima realizovan je ...

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Milorad Dagovic – Dago

Milorad Dagović – Dago  TRACES OF IDENTITY born in Užice. He graduated from Art School in Saraj...

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The exhibition “Terra(c)otto” as a symbol of the cooperation between the Terra Center and the FLU Cetinje

The joint exhibition of sculptures in terracotta by eight master’s students of the Faculty of ...

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Mirjana Blagojev “Heaven and Earth”

On October 7, an exhibition of sculptures “Heaven and Earth” by the academic sculptor Mi...

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Terra Museum participant of the 2022 Art Market in Budapest

Museum Quarter / Art Market Budapest 2022 / Terra Museum The international professional public and a...

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The project “Traces of Time” by Sanja Radusin Smiljanić within the framework of the 5th Kaleidoscope of Culture

The project called Traces of Time was conceived as part of contemporary practice and education, wher...

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The 41st International Symposium Terra has begun!

U sredu 6. jula u 20h svečano  je otvoren 41. Internacionalni simpozijum skulpture u terakoti Tera...

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Nikola Radosavljević – “What happens when your son dies”

A multimedia exhibition by the academic artist Nikola Radosavljević entitled “What happens wh...

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Delia Prvački – Galacka

The exhibition “Galacka” by the artist Delija Prvački was opened in the Terra Gallery o...

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Art work by Sanja Radusin Smiljanić within the national exhibition “Free to create – create to be free”

Just before the end of last year, 2021, the Ministry of Culture and Information, ie the Sector for I...

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Terra Student Camp 2022

The international sculptural-educational professional gathering “Student Camp Terra 2022”...

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Continued institutional collaboration between Terra Center and Faculty for Fine Arts from Montenegro

After last year’s renewed cooperation, which ended a 15-year break, international bilateral co...

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Andreja Petraković / Tatjana Dimitrijević – DUST

May 14 – June 3, 2022 – Andreja Petraković and Tatjana Dimitrijević / exhibition: DUST...

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Terra Center Associates on the e-publication LAND ART IN VOJVODINA

After several months of work on this topic, the Land Art project team in Vojvodina, which consists o...

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Marija Jeftić Dajić – ,,Ritual inclusion’’ – Inclusive type of cultural spectacle

An exhibition of sculptures by Marija Jeftić Dajić – “Ritual Inclusion” – ...

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“Adaptation of the TERRA museum complex in Kikinda” – presentation of the master thesis by Petar Mitrović

Atelje “Terra” je od 1. do 15. aprila bio domaćin studentima arhitekture iz Mađarske, ...

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Petar Sibinovic -“Plastic Thoughts”

Museum Terra Salon  -08/04/2022 – 29. 04. 2022. “Plastic Thoughts” includes a dyn...

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Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra