As a sign of solidarity with everyone – especially students – who, renouncing their own comfort and risking their safety, status, and future, bravely took to the streets to openly and clearly point out the difficult situation in our society, the collective and management of CLPU Terra is , after the collegium held on January 21, decided to join the general work stoppage on Friday, the 24th of this month, 2025.
For 44 years, as the organizer and implementer of numerous cultural projects, Terra has been the driving force of the Serbian cultural scene. Our mission has always been to present the cultural values of our country to the world in the best possible light. Through carefully designed programs, we have consistently sought to inspire and engage our community, raising awareness of the key role of culture in building a stable, just and prosperous society.
In addition to artists, students and the academic community form the backbone of Terra’s activities. For decades, they not only participate in our programs but are also active collaborators in shaping Terra’s very mission and purpose. Thanks to their dedication and efforts, Kikinda and Terra are firmly positioned at the very top of the contemporary world art scene.
The disturbing events that have followed since the tragedy in Novi Sad to this day, not only threaten the lives of all citizens, but slowly but surely extinguish any hope for any positive changes in our society. Therefore, at this crucial moment, CLPU Terra refuses to stand by as a silent observer while our students are continuously humiliated, insulted, slandered and physically attacked during their tireless struggle for justice.
By joining the general strike, we confirm our unshakable commitment to democratic values and express our solidarity with students and all those who strive for a better and fairer Serbia. At the same time, we strongly condemn all actions that encourage aggression and hatred in our society.
With respect
Collective CLPU Terra