Anna Korver
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Anna Korver has dual nationalities – New Zealand and Benin. She currently divides her time at home and overseas. She has been a full time professional sculptor since completed a BFA in sculpture from the University of Canterbury in 2003. Korver works nationally and internationally on exhibition work and private and public commissions. She has been selected in the Wallace awards twice, invited to exhibit work in many large scale outdoor sculpture exhibitions including Brick Bay sculpture Trail and Tai Tapu sculpture garden and has attended more than 80 national and international sculpture symposiums. Korver’s works combine a balance of contemporary and traditional sculpting processes and are feminine in their identity and perspective, inviting intimacy and personal connection. The forms are minimalist and strive to reflect the inner self or feeling onto the outer surface.
Ana Korver deals with architectural forms (walls, doors, staircases, building models, boats). However, these works are not dominated by the intention of anecdotal storytelling, but primarily by specific models of harmonized exciting forms, dimensions, planes, and curves. This is especially evident in the large-scale abstract and geometric sculpture that exudes balance, order, and harmony.
Sava Stepanov
Contact us
Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra
Trg srpskih dobrovoljaca 25, 23300 Kikinda, Serbia