Antal Pazmandi
Ceramicist and sculptor. He was born in Mezokovesd on January 6, 1943. Antal Pazmandi’s works are reminiscent of the motifs of the history and traditional architecture of Debrecen. In the beginning, he formed his ceramic sculptures from abstract, geometric elements, then he designed compositions using a wealth of pop art motifs, while in the 90s, works of a postmodern tone were created in his workshop, combining different materials. His building decoration ceramics – which he usually makes together with Đulo Kovač – are characterized by the full use of motifs, a rich plastic effect, vivid colors and a free, imaginative arrangement of different stylistic elements.
1967: Hungarian School of Applied Arts, Master: Arpad Csekovszki. 1980: VI. National Biennale of Ceramics, Pecs, II. compensation; 1986: IKS. National Biennale of Ceramics, Pecs, II. compensation; 1990: KSI. National Biennale of Ceramics, Pécs, special award; 1992: Noemi Ferenczi Award; Exhibition of flying flights, MALEV’s main prize; 1994: KSIII. National Biennale of Ceramics, Pécs, 1st prize; 1997: Pelso exhibition, MAOE award; 1997: Award of the President of Hungary.
He is a lecturer at the Plastics Department of the Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts, a guest lecturer at the College of Advanced Studies. He participated several times in symposia at the Kečkemet International Ceramics Studio (1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1993) and at the Sikloš Ceramics Symposium (1972, 1973, 1976).
Simposium Terra 2006 - artists
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Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra
Trg srpskih dobrovoljaca 25, 23300 Kikinda, Serbia