Vladimir Novak (1987, Hrvatska).
He graduated in sculpture in 2017 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. He is the winner of the award of the Goran sculptor’s workshop Lokva at the 13th Triennial of Croatian Sculpture in 2018, the HPB Grand Prix at the 34th Youth Salon – Panoptikon in 2018 and the Rector’s award for an independent project in 2015. He exhibited at the Bačva Gallery in Zagreb, the Antun Augustinčić Gallery Studio in Klanjec in 2017, the French Pavilion in 2017 and the SC Gallery in Zagreb. He participated in several group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad. His works are in the Fundus ALU in Zagreb and the Antun Augustinčić Gallery in Klanjec, in private collections and as public sculptures in Vrsar and Bjelovar. He is a member of HDLU and HZSU. He lives and works in Zagreb. In his works, he explores the materiality and spatial characteristics of sculpture and installation, building minimalist structures of a monumental character that evoke the spatiality, scale and relationships of the exhibited objects, observers and the environment. In recent works as reactions to certain places and their specificities, he investigates the communicative aspects of sculptures, installations and spaces in the form of works whose visual appearance is an indirect consequence of mechanical actions, processes partially or completely determined by the input and output data of the program code.
Contact us
Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra
Trg srpskih dobrovoljaca 25, 23300 Kikinda, Serbia