Chen Ching
has been a pottery artist since he was a young teenager in Taiwan. He has exhibited his works in numerous cities around Asia including Tokyo, Bejing and Soeul. His works have won top prizes in many competitions.
Although he is influenced by the traditional shapes found in Chinese art throughout history, he sees himself as an innovator. Using these traditional shapes as a springboard for artistic expression, Chen Ching creates a fresh look by exaggerating particular aspects of the basic shape. In addition to his work with shapes, he is very interested in color. While many ocarina artists focus on either shape or color, Chen Ching believes that the pottery should be a unified piece of art in which the shape and color are carefully planned. When making the surfaces of his ocarinas, he tries to find a balance between breaking barriers and remaining practical. Through his use of glazes and textures, he creates a natural flow of color. Some of his favorite materials to add to his glazes are sea shells, real gold, and real silver, giving the surface an incandescent yet organic quality. Chen Ching resides in Taichung, Taiwan with his wife who is also an artist. Chen Ching is not only a master ocarina maker but also the Chairman of the Ceramic Arts Association of Taiwan as well as the Chairman of the Taiwan Ocarina Culture Interchange Association. His ocarinas are beautiful works of art.
Contact us
Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra
Trg srpskih dobrovoljaca 25, 23300 Kikinda, Serbia