• 11/05/2023

International Masterclass Terra

“International masterclass Tera 2023”, held on May 11 in the Terra studio, consisted of a series of extraordinary lectures by visiting professors, participants of this year’s International Student Camp Tera 2023. International lecturers, participants of the program were: Professor Bernard Ridiger from France, Professor Ivana Radovanović from Montenegro, professors Darija Žmak-Kunić and Dražen Vitolović from Croatia. In addition to lecturers from abroad, Milica Mitrović, a research assistant at the Department of Archeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.

As part of the masterclass lecture, students will be presented with the following topics: Connection of handwork and digital technologies in ceramics (Prof. Vitolović, APU, Rijeka) and Ecological sculpture and object (Prof. Žmak Kunić, APU, Rijeka), Unforeseen traces – haptic environmental changes – project COST Action TRACTS CA 201340 (prof. Ivana Radovanović, FLU Cetinje and Milica Mitorvić, FF Belgrade) and About the place: Sculpture, Process, Perception (prof. Bernard Ridiger, ENSBA, Lyon).

Lectures were held in Serbian/Croatian/Montenegrin and English and were open to the public.

In addition to master classes, professors are invited to participate in active mentoring work with students on sculpture problems during the Student Camp.

Foto: Igor Grandić (Terra)

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Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra