International Masterclass Terra 2024

On Friday, April 10, the “International Masterclass Terra 2024” was held at the Terra Mu...

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Signed agreements on international institutional cooperation with the Academy of Art and Culture from Osijek and the Polis University from Tirana

Osijek 8.11.2023. ; Tirana 10.11.2023. The past week for the Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra ...

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Radionica “Skulptura i matematika” u Muzeju Terra

Saradnjom CLPU Terra i Centra za stručno usavršavanje Kikinda održana je radionica pod nazivom Sk...

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International student camp Terra

In the space of the Terra studio, in the period from May 8 to 18, the international sculptural and e...

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International Masterclass Terra

“International masterclass Tera 2023”, held on May 11 in the Terra studio, consisted of ...

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The project “Traces of Time” by Sanja Radusin Smiljanić within the framework of the 5th Kaleidoscope of Culture

The project called Traces of Time was conceived as part of contemporary practice and education, wher...

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Terra Student Camp 2022

The international sculptural-educational professional gathering “Student Camp Terra 2022”...

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“Adaptation of the TERRA museum complex in Kikinda” – presentation of the master thesis by Petar Mitrović

Atelje “Terra” je od 1. do 15. aprila bio domaćin studentima arhitekture iz Mađarske, ...

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“Verticals in terracotta – variability of the relationship between parts and the whole in large format sculpture” – A PhD Exhibition of sculptures by Igor Smiljanić.

October – November, the courtyard of the Terra studio. Public presentation of the practical wo...

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Continuation of international institutional cooperation with the Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje

After many years of hiatus, the cooperation of the Terra Center with the Faculty of Fine Arts from C...

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Terra Center and the City of Kikinda representatives together at the jubilee “10th days of European cooperation”

  At the invitation of Ms. Anca Lolescu, Executive Director of the Regional Office for Cross-Bo...

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Implementation of the Re-Org method in Terra depot

Od septembra do decembra ove godine u depou Terra odvija se projekat “Reorganizacija i optimizacij...

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Center for Fine and Applied Arts Terra