Ignaz Kienast



Ignaz Kienast


1959 born in Unterstinkenbrunn, Weinviertel; lives and works in Vienna and Unterstinkenbrunn
1979 first abstract sculpture made of wood; various trips through Europe and Asia until 1982; 1983 began studying sculpture with Prof. Wander Bertoni at the University of Applied Arts Vienna;
1985 first exhibition in the press house (studio) in the clay pit in Unterstinkenbrunn – sculptural objects from found, no longer usable gas parts from the wine cellar.
1986 major solo exhibition in the Blue and Yellow Quarter Gallery in the Mistelbach City Museum. The first catalog “Plastic from the clay pit” is published
1987 Exhibition in the Wotruba Church and in the Catholic university community in Vienna.
1988 Exhibition “Objects” (catalog) in the press house in Unterstinkenbrunn. Participation in the international sculpture symposium (marble) in Krastal, Carinthia. The first larger-than-life stone sculpture “Untitled” is created, which is shown in the garden of the Vienna Secession as part of a group exhibition (Krastal Symposium catalogue).
1989 Participation in the plaster symposium of the sculpture class in Upper Austria; Study trip to Egypt.
1990 Magister artium/diploma exhibition at the Museum of Applied Art in Vienna; Exhibition for…


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July 1990

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Ignaz Kienast


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