Sanja Radusin Smiljanić



Sanja Radusin – Serbia

Born in 1989 in Novi Sad. In 2017, she completed her BA Studies in Sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in the class of Professor Tomislav Todorović. 2018 Becomes a member of SULUV. In 2019, he completed a MA degree in sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in the class of professor Mirjana Blagojev. In 2020, she enrolled in Specialist Studies – Terracotta Sculpture at the same academy. 2019/20. She worked as a teaching associate at the Department of Sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad.

She has exhibited in four solo and numerous collective exhibitions participated in several colonies and workshops. Winner of two awards, the 2017 Stanišić Art Foundry Award, as well as the annual awards of the Department of Fine Arts for the most successful artistic work in the art discipline of sculpture.

The starting point in her work is nature and the changes that take place in her. Her artistic research is related to finding the connection between the sculptural form and nature. Exploring the specifics of the climate of Vojvodina, Kikinda, where he lives and works. Through ephemeral works in nature, an art installation is realized in a gallery space dominated by terracotta as a material.

Sanja Radusin

Salon Muzeja Terra - umetnici

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